Having been engaged in the acquisition cycle of multiple TDL platforms, we have experience of through life processes, often being involved throughout a project, adding value in the following disciplines and projects:

Acquisition and Requirements Management Support –

We have supported the acquisition and requirements phases for many international projects including UK CSI, Interim Deployable ASACS, Crowsnest, Finnish LGS, Swiss FLORAKO, Austrian AMMTEC and Swedish Visby MLP

Independent Specification and Design Milestone Review for TDL based solutions –  Members of our team have supported the customer in the preparation, review and execution of specification and design review milestones systems including Norwegian NORGIL, Swiss FLORAKO and Finnish LGS.

Air C2 /Multi TDL system Test and Evaluation –  Our involvement in the Test and Evaluation arena has been extensive and spans; the delivery of independent test direction and management support to the project office during the system acceptance phases of the UK CSI, LEAPP and the Swiss FLORAKO (OLIVE) programs, the independent support to customer test planning for the ITEAP and TEMP processes for the Australian JP2089, Austrian AMMTEC and Finnish LGS, independent test witnessing during formal test and acceptance for LEAPP, UK JNMS and Finnish LGS and support to IO testing, OPEVAL/OPASSESS and analysis of test and trials data with platforms such as ADSI, E-3 AWACS, F/A-18 and Typhoon.